Tetras are small, colorful, and peaceful fish that are perfect for community aquariums. But if you’re planning to add other fish to the tank, you might be wondering, “What fish can live with tetras?” The good news is that tetras are very friendly and get along with many other fish. Let’s explore the best tank mates for tetras and how to create a happy, thriving aquarium.
Why Tetras Make Great Community Fish
Tetras are schooling fish, which means they like to live in groups of 6 or more. They’re peaceful, active, and add a splash of color to any tank. When choosing tetras, it’s important to pick species that are also peaceful, enjoy similar water conditions, and won’t see tetras as food.
Best Fish to Keep With Tetras
Mixing different types of tetras, like Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, or Ember Tetras, can create a stunning display. Here’s a list of fish that usually get along well with tetras:
- Corydoras Catfish:
- These bottom-dwelling fish are peaceful and help clean up leftover food.
- They’re a great match for tetras because they stay out of each other’s way.
- Guppies:
- Guppies are small, colorful, and peaceful, making them ideal tank mates for tetras.
- They’re active swimmers and enjoy similar water conditions.
- Rasboras:
- Fish like Harlequin Rasboras or Chili Rasboras are peaceful and school just like tetras.
- They add variety and color to the tank.
- Dwarf Gouramis:
- These calm, colorful fish are a good match for tetras.
- They stay in the middle or top of the tank, while tetras usually swim in the middle.
- Swordtails and Platies:
- These livebearers are peaceful and easy to care for.
- They’re slightly larger than tetras but won’t bother them.
- Small Plecos (like Bristlenose Plecos):
- These algae-eating fish are great for keeping the tank clean.
- They stay at the bottom and don’t interfere with tetras.
Fish to Avoid Keeping With Tetras
While tetras are peaceful, not all fish are a good match for them. Here are some to avoid:
- Large or Aggressive Fish: Fish like Oscars or Cichlids might see tetras as food.
- Fin-Nippers: Fish like Tiger Barbs or Serpae Tetras can stress out tetras by nipping at their fins.
- Very Fast or Boisterous Fish: Fish that are too active might overwhelm shy tetras.
Tips for a Happy Tetra Community Tank
- Keep Tetras in Schools: Tetras are happiest in groups of 6 or more. This helps them feel safe and reduces stress.
- Provide Plenty of Plants and Hiding Spots: Tetras love swimming through plants and having places to hide.
- Maintain Good Water Quality: Tetras prefer clean, soft, slightly acidic water (pH 6.0-7.0).
- Choose Peaceful Tank Mates: Stick to fish that are calm and won’t bully or eat your tetras.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What fish can live with tetras in a 20-gallon tank?
Small, peaceful fish like Corydoras, Guppies, and Rasboras are great choices. - Can bettas live with tetras?
It depends on the betta’s personality. Some bettas are peaceful, while others might chase or nip at tetras. - Do tetras eat other fish?
No, tetras are peaceful and won’t bother other fish. - Can tetras live with shrimp?
Yes, tetras can live with small shrimp like Cherry Shrimp, but larger tetras might eat baby shrimp.