Rummy Nose Tetra (Petitella rhodostoma) is a small, colorful fish which is popular in the…
Tetra Fish
The Black Skirt Tetra, scientifically known as Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, is a popular freshwater fish among…
Emperor Tetra is a popular freshwater fish for aquarium hobby. They are loved for their…
The Buenos Aires Tetra is a popular freshwater fish known for its hardiness and vibrant…
The Serpae Tetra is a well-loved freshwater fish famous for its bright colors and lively…
Neon Tetras and Cardinal Tetras are both popular freshwater fish for home aquariums. They are…
The scientific name of the Cardinal Tetra is Paracheirodon axelrodi. Origin and Natural Habitat Cardinal…
The scientific name of the Neon Tetra is Paracheirodon innesi. Origin of Neon Tetra The…